Monday, January 15, 2007

A Little Bit Of My Life

My name is Christopher G., I am from nicaragua, but living in the ubited states from the past 7 years. when i first came to united states i used to lived in Bridgeport, CT, but them i decided to move to Miami because my mom was living there. In miami i started a new life, sometimes i went through a whole bunch of difficults situations not only the typical issues of a teeneger but also because i was trying to get accostumed to the city. And to be honest, i'm still struggling for it, sometimes i just want to make my bags and go back to my country, i still miss a lot of stuffs from like my brother and my sister.
Here in Miami i have met a hole bunch of people, some of them still are my friends and some of the are gone already. most of the are women and is not because i don't like to hang out with guys becuase i do, but i think sometimes women can be better friends that men, and i think is because of the competency amoung each other, i have a speciall feeling for some of my girl-friends, i consider all them nice a good person but you always have your special one, that one that is always next to you and even though distances come across each other nothing make our friendship change. i don't want to tell her name because i don't my other friends to think that i don't care about them, but the thing is that i cosider that person la my sister, and the feeling i have for her are so strongs, and is not that i'm in love with her but is the true friendship.
well, talking about other stuffs, right now i'm going to college, my major is traslation and interpretation services, i hope to graduate soon because i really want to have my degree so that i can prove those people that just care about cristicism that i can be the same or better than them.
in addition, i can tell you that i'm a nice person, sometimes i'm a boring one, but is because i'm not that outgoing, i like to go to clubs, socialize and have a couple of drinks but i have two left feets, so i just prefer to go to places like Wet willies, Fat Tuesdays, flanigan's etc and have my drinks, also i like to read, explore on the internet, and meet people. i like to meet with people that doesn't use drugs or any kind of illigal stuffs, i don't care if the person drinks because i do it too, but i hate drugs, and thank God i don't like them, because i been next to it, but God have made so strong that i don't eve feel curious about it. On the love field of love i haven't been lucky enough, i meet a person once, but it didn't work out, so now i giving me the chance to try again, but i'm affraid to get in love, because i feel so afraid to fall in love, and then be by myself.
Well, guys this just the beginning i don't to bother you with more stories so i will leave it for later, i hope you could log in and post some comments.

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